There are lots of online spell checking services available online with paid subscriptions and free accounts.
It does not make sense to describe the fundamentals of how these services are functionating. All we need to know is that the user only needs to copy a piece of text and paste it into a special form with a spell checking software algorithm. After a short period of time, the perfect test results are provided.
Let’s have a look at 5 spellings, grammar and punctuation checking services.
First is LanguageTool
LanguageTool is an open source desktop application designed to correct punctuation, grammar, and a writing style. In addition to correcting mistakes, the program highlights word repetition and offcorce grammar errors, following the rules of checking for more than 20 languages, including English, Russian, German and French. The content correction options are always offered for most of the errors, program can find. LanguageTool is able to be launched directly in a computer browser online or uploaded and installed as a standalone program to be able to work without the internet connection.
As a bonus, the spell checking algorithm automatically detects the language of the inserted content. Also users can set up the main language in the LanguageTool settings of the add-on. It is important to know that for being able to receive warnings about homonyms the native language must be set.
Second is Advego
Advego’s unique content service copes well with checking fairly large texts. The maximum length of the text is 100 thousand characters, which is an enormously huge amount of content for such tools. To be able to do this, the user needs to go to the website section called Spell Check Service Tool.
The resource is multilingual, so users are given the opportunity to check the spelling of the texts in the tool online in almost any language.
When an error is found, the word is highlighted by a dotted line, and when hovering over it, replacement options pop up. In addition to errors, statistical information is available such as classical and academic accuracy, water content of the text, the number of stop words and more.

Third is DeepText
Another fairly comfy and simple spell checking service. It implements a convenient check for morphology and spelling. It is also possible to work on the text in the form of a test.
It’s very simple when it comes to using the DeepText tool. You need to insert a snippet in the field and click the check button. Words with errors are underlined with a red wavy line.
However, this service only highlights errors, replacement options are not offered.
Fourth is
Multifunctional service for text content processing. Functionality allows you to implement various tasks. Many spell-checking services are famous for their patterned and stingy interface. is clearly not one of them. The interface of the tool is done in warm colors with small red accents, stylish and comfortable in perception. Even if the spell checker is in the top three, you can still see the flaws.
Online text debugging is also available to unregistered users. Just go to the Spell Check section, paste the text and press the red button below. After checking, everything that the program considers incorrect is highlighted. Unfortunately, these errors include words that are unfamiliar to the application, even if they are familiar to you and most dictionaries. There are also double spaces and classic errors.
The minimum number of characters to check is 100, the maximum is 15,000. Even large texts are checked in one minute, which is very pleasing.
As a bolus that comes with a tool simultaneously with the spelling, the user receives a seo-analysis of the text. A summary table of data is displayed on the page.
It is also possible to check text documents as files. The archive of verified texts is stored in the user’s personal account. A link is provided to each text.
Fifth is ORFO
The ORFO system will help with online spell checking, spelling in texts in Russian, German, Ukrainian, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
In addition to high-quality spell checking, ORFO includes a set of useful functions required for processing text documents. It is possible to work in the editor itself.
The ORFO application shows all word forms and has an extended morphological dictionary for the user.
The possibility of using several dictionaries at the same time both for the grammar module and for the search and replace node in all forms has been developed.